Editor: Sam Gould
Date: 2000 - Present
Print culture, along with an expanded view of the "act of publication," has long played a role Gould's work, and in turn Red76, the work of Beyond Repair, and other collaborations and initiatives. Printed materials, such as Journal of Radical Shimming, are in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art and other institutions, and more importantly, tactically this printed matter has been scattered to the winds across the world, posted on light poles, left on subway benches, placed under the windshield wipers of cop cars.
Produced for Red76's platform No War USO, this broadside was distributed throughout the groups North Portland neighborhood in the week leading up to the 4th of July, 2008 asking neighbors to consider what a demilitarized neighborhood, and Independence Day celebration might look like, and in turn how their own activities during that day could do just that. Throughout the neighborhood that day "domestic DMZ" festivities took place.

A poster distributed around Minneapolis' 4th Police Precinct following the - still unsolved and unprosecuted - murder of Jamar Clark in November of 2015.

A pocket-sized edition of a conversation between Sam Gould and academic & activist Stephen Duncombe on the practical uses of utopic thinking and action, originally published in Red76's Journal of Radical Shimming.

A compendium of some of Red76's "How To..." projects published during an exhibition of that work at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco in 2006, and a poster from the "How To..." series that was strategically distributed around Portland, Oregon, affixed to government buildings in the city.

A short lived publication "......" was an image-only journal that led readers to essays, articles, and interviews online. Only two issues were produced, this series of photos document the second and final issue, a full-bleed, oversized tabloid newspaper commissioned by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, which featured articles and interviews with Ted Purves & Susanne Cockrell, Donal Mosher, Jessica Hutchins, and others.